黎书成,男,汉族,中共 党员,出生于 1962 年 4 月,湖南浏阳市人。毕业于中央广播电视大学,中国一级作家,中国艺术博士,国家一级艺术家,国务院国宾礼特供推荐艺术家,世界教科文卫组织首席艺术家,世界教科文卫组织艺术委员会执行委员,中国艺术家交流协会终身名誉主席,中国艺术学会常务委员会终身常委,中国艺术名家研究院副理事长,中国诗书画出版社终身副社长,中国书画收藏研究院高级院士,中国国际交流出版社终身顾问编委,中国未来教育研究所研究员,中国经济发展办公室调研员,世界贸易合作总商会高级研究员,中国民族文化研究会诗书画艺术委员会终身名誉主席,中国国际艺术网终身艺术顾问,中国管理科学研究院经济论坛专家委员会特邀研究员,新华艺术网艺术委员会执行副主席,中国文化艺术人才协会第三届副主席,中国书画名家研究会副会长,中国书画名家研究会名誉主席,中国当代艺术协会主席。
书法作品多次参加全国大赛,获展览并多次获得金奖。现已在全国各级报刊电台电视台发表1000 多篇各类稿件,多次在北京人民大会堂受到党和国家领导人的接见和表彰。荣获“百名中华创业新闻人物先进个人”,“百名中国时代新闻人物先进个人”,“全国十佳文化优秀工作者”,“全国十佳和谐文化工作者”,“全国五一时代英模”,“全国创新争优先进个人”,“共和国十佳杰出人物”,“2010 年度感动中国艺术人物”,“2011 年度感动中国艺术人物”, “2012 年度感动中国艺术人物”,“2013 年度感动中国艺术人物”,“ “2013 年度感动世界年度人物”,“首届中国文艺终身奖”,“共和国杰出贡献人才”,“中国骄傲之星”,“中华骄子”,“国际知名文艺家”,“世界艺术大使”,“杰出艺术大师”,“世纪德艺双馨艺术家”,“世界艺术大师”,“大不列颠百科艺术家”等荣誉称号。业绩入编《世界名人录》,《共和国人物辞海》,《世界艺术巨匠》,《世界艺术瑰宝》,《世界艺术大师》,《世界典藏》,《中国艺坛流派宗师》,《世界殿堂级艺术家》,《非物质文化遗产,国礼特供书画家》,《品鉴中国当代名人墨迹》,《大家印象一一十大艺坛泰斗》,《全球最具影响力二十位艺术家》,《中国诗坛精英大典》,《盛世中国七大艺坛文豪》,《红色礼赞》,《大国崛起,盛世宗师》,《光辉的旗帜》,《民族之魂》,《放歌新时代》,《献诗我的祖国》,《传世诗词三百家》,《环球华人艺术十大传世名家》,《世界梦想一一亚欧艺术领军人物》等300 多部大型文献辞书。
Li Shucheng, male, Han nationality, CPC member, was born in April 1962 in Liuyang City, Hunan Province. Graduated from China Central Radio and Television University, first-class Chinese writer, doctor of Chinese art, national first-class artist, artist recommended by the State Council guest ceremony,chief artist of the world education, science, culture andhealth organization, executive member of the Art Committee of the world education, science, culture and health organization,lifelong honorary chairman of the China Artists Exchange Association, lifelong standing committee member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese art society, Vice president of China Academy of famous artists, lifelong vice president of China Poetry, calligraphy and painting publishing house,senior academician of China Academy of calligraphy and painting collection, lifelong Advisory editorial board of China International Exchange publishing house, researcher of China Future Education Research Institute, researcher of China Economic Development Office, senior researcher of world chamber of Commerce for trade cooperation, Lifelong honorary chairman of the poetry, calligraphy and painting art committee of China National Culture Research Association, lifelong art consultant of China International Art Network, specially invited researcher of the expert committee of the economic forum of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, executive vice chairman of the Art Committee of Xinhua art network, vice chairman of the third session of the China culture and art talent Association, and vice chairman of the China calligraphy and painting masters Research Association, Honorary chairmanof the Research Association of famous Chinese Calligraphers and painters and chairman of China Contemporary Art Association.Calligraphy works have participated in national competitions for many times, won exhibitions and won gold awards for many times. More than 1000 manuscripts have been published in newspapers, radio and television stations at all levels across the country, and have been received and commended by Party and state leaders at the Great Hall of the people in Beijing for many times. It has won "100 advanced individuals of Chinese entrepreneurial news figures", "100 advanced individuals of Chinese era news figures", "national top 10 excellent cultural workers", "national top 10 harmonious cultural workers","National May Day model", "national advanced individual for innovation", "top 10 outstanding figures of the Republic","moving Chinese art figures of 2010", "Moving Chinese art figures in 2011", "moving Chinese art figures in 2012", "moving Chinese art figures in 2013", "moving the world figure of the year in 2013", "the first lifetime award of Chinese literature and art", "outstanding contribution talents of the Republic", "proud star of China", "proud son of China", "internationally renowned writers and artists", "World art ambassador","outstanding art master", "century virtuous and artisticartist", "world art master", "British encyclopedia artist" and other honorary titles. His achievements have been included in the world celebrity record, the Republic character Cihai, the world art giant, the world art treasure, the world art master,the world collection, the master of Chinese art schools, the world palace level artist, intangible cultural heritage, the calligrapher specially dedicated to national rites, tasting the ink of contemporary Chinese celebrities, "Everyone"s impressions of the top ten artists in the art world", "the world"s 20 most influential artists", "the grand ceremony of Chinese poetry elites", "seven literary giants in the flourishing Chinese art world", "red praise", "the rise of a great power, a master in the prosperous era", "glorious flag","the soul of the nation", "singing a new era", "offering poems to my motherland", "300 handed down poems", There are more than 300 large-scale literature dictionaries, such as the top ten handed down masters of global Chinese art and the world dream- leaders of Asian and European art.